Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Late to the Party

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you may remember that I am sometimes slow to react to things emotionally. Apparently, this trend goes beyond emotions... I got my first bout of morning sickness on Sunday. I had some food aversions in the first trimester, but I never had any real nausea (only "mini" nausea) or vomiting. At 19w2d I lost my breakfast. I noticed the eggs I was cooking smelled weird to me. However, I had just purchased them, they had an expiration date sometime in June, and they were the expensive all natural, organic, free range eggs. I just figured that I was being a little picky pg lady and ignored my feelings. I had a very healthy meal (scrambled eggs, cantaloupe, english muffin, and OJ). Then, I went to brush my teeth. Then, I saw all of my breakfast again. I do tend to have an overactive gag reflex while brushing my teeth, but this was uncalled for!

Frankly, I was really taken off guard. On the authority of MANY sources, I thought morning sickness wasn't a problem after the 1st tri was over... Monday I had another food aversion warning as I was fixing my breakfast. This time, I heeded the warning and ate something different (and very plain!). I still felt a little queasy, but I didn't loose anything. I had another food smell aversion at dinner time last night and, again, chose something plain instead. This morning I didn't notice any aversions, so hopefully I won't have to look at my breakfast again.

If this problem continues, I will ask my doc about it. Is this normal? I haven't heard of any stories of morning sickness showing up for the first time in the 2nd tri. I guess someone has to be the exception, I'm just not sure I'm happy being that person...

In other news, baby is still alive and kicking. Life is still good. =)


Katie said...

You know, I still have revisits of the puke fairy every once in awhile. It seems to happen mostly if I eat too much - and really not even that much, just too fast. Your stomach is getting smaller and kicked a lot, so that might have something to do with it.

Also, I have had some heartburn, and nausea and vomiting go with that lovely symptom.

But yes, check it out with you doctor if it doesn't resolve soon.

Kathy V said...

Sorry about seeing your breakfast again. I am sure that was not so pleasant. Glad baby is doing well and kicking.

AwkwardMoments said...

This is never a fun scenario

LifeHopes said...

I am sorry you lost your breakfast!

I am sure all is well ... but perhaps asking the doc about it will ease your mind:)

RBandRC said...

My sickness returned between weeks 17 and 20. It was very strange and then I started to feel better again. Granted, I had MS from 6 weeks until like 13 weeks, and I still feel nauseous at times. So, it sounds pretty normal to me! :)

Amanda said...

I hope you get to leave this party very soon! I know it's no fun. At least you learned from the first episode to pick the plain meal. I'm a slow learner. ;-)

Hope you feel better soon!

sara said...

I'm glad the baby is doing well, and I'm sorry about the late onset morning sickness. Yes I have heard of it. My friend from work had her onset of morning (all day) sickness around 17 weeks. I think the first trimester stuff is more common, but the second trimester can happen too. I hope you are feeling better soon!