Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Bus.iness of Being Bo.rn

Has anyone seen this movie ("The Bus.iness of Being Bo.rn")? We watched it tonight. I have been thinking about how we will approach the birth of this little one for a while now. I was already leaning toward trying to go all natural and even considering using a doula. Now, hubby and I have decided that we will for sure try to hire a doula. I think the part of the movie that stayed with me the most is how one intervention (e.g. giving an epidural) can have a snowball effect that requires more interventions (e.g. pitocin) and possibily lead to a higher c-section rate. The movie spent a lot of time on covering home births. I'm not really convinced that I want to give birth at home... I do like my doc (although, I am not guaranteed that he will be the one on call when I deliver) and I feel comfortable with the hospital I am supposed to use. However, I definitely see the benefits of having a professional labor assistant who can stay with me during my whole labor. I feel like I will have a better shot at having no or little intervention if I have soemone there who can help me understand what is happening and what options I have for dealing with it.

Anyway, I would recommend watching the movie if you are pg if, for no other reason, to get another view of how labor can happen.


LifeHopes said...

That movie sounds really cool! I think that on the whole there is probably way too much intervention in the birthing process these days. (sooo many c-sections!) On the other hand, it sure is nice to know that mother and child will both be okay due to modern medicine! I'll keep this video in mind if the need ever arises:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement you left for me today. I really hope you are right, and the RE did say to not stop the progesterone until 14 DPIUI so we'll see. Thanks again, sometimes its nice to have someone else be hopeful for you!

RBandRC said...

That movie was a big factor in motivating me to leaving my OB (who I hated anyway) and moving to a midwife. An absolutely great film! :)

DC said...

I'll have to check this out. Thanks for the heads up! :)

Queenie. . . said...

I loved this movie. It's been interesting to share it with my TTC friends, because reactions to it are all over the place. I am definitely going the doula-midwife-natural birth route. But some of my friends are like "epidural? Pit? What's the big deal? Of course I want them." It's fascinating to see what a big difference there is in opinions on what makes a good birth.

Melzie said...

Never seen it- but I have heard about it!

Mel via NaComLeavMo

Amanda said...

I've heard of the movie and I thought it was an interesting concept. At the very least it presents another point of view for the definition of a "good birth." I think having a "professional labor assistant" is good. They can advocate for your birth plan and also help objectively evaluate *if* you need to deviate from it.

(Via NaComLeavMo)

Kim said...

I have never seen the movie. But my two cents would be to have a plan but make sure it is flexible. I have not heard of many people whose births went exactly as written in their plan. nclm

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

We considered hiring a doula when I had my one and only child, but decided it was too expensive for us (we were just about flat broke). In retrospect, I really wish we would have done it. I ended up with Pitocin, an epidural, and eventually a C-section. Plus I stayed in bed almost the whole time (meaning BEFORE the epidural of course). Even though I'd read every book there was, you just don't know what it's going to be like once you're actually in labor. And DH was too stressed/excited/scared to remember anything important. So I'd definitely recommend a doula - and I wish you a wonderful, healthy pregnancy and delivery. ;)

(HI! from NaComLeavMo)

Amy @ This Cross I Embrace said...

I saw that documentary a few weeks ago... I LOVED it! I definately plan on an all-natural birth, and would even venture to try an at-home birth, but I think my Mom would have a heart attack. Not to mention, we have lots of pets, and I'm not fond of the idea of them nosey-ing around in "places" while I'm in labor, lol!
Anyway, I think you'll have a fantastic birth with a doula. You look wonderful in your belly shot, too!
Thanks for the comment. It gave me more hope :)