Monday, January 21, 2008

Candida Strikes Again

I know it's been a little while since I posted (how often do I start a post like this?). I think I just need to give in and accept that I am a random poster. Sometimes I post daily and sometimes I wait a couple weeks.

I guess the biggest news is that I talked to my doctor on Friday. I had an ultrasound done on cd8 (yes, the really fun kind with "the wand") to look at my ovaries. I was still having that weird cramping/pinching/full feeling. I had a small cyst on my L ovary that was 2.4cm. I wasn't able to really talk to my doc that day because he got called out to do a surgery. He just came to talk to me for a few minutes because I had told the nurse that I suspected I had a very early m/c the cycle before. We chatted for a couple minutes, he ordered the u/s and then ran out. We agreed to talk by phone the next Friday (because my work schedule and his surgery schedule make it difficult to talk at a different time).

He said he wasn't worried about the cyst even though it was so big so early. So, I'm trying to just assume that the cyst did in fact release an egg. My temp was a little erratic, but it seems to have shifted up, so I suppose that is good. (Don't I sound confident?)

The main thing I wanted to discuss with him was my suspicion that I had candidiasis. I told him about having to eat yogurt every day to stave off and infections, along with my other symptoms. I had spent the last week cutting down on carbs and following a modified candida diet. I was hoping that I could get away with a modified candida diet but my doc said I should start with the extreme diet for at least a month. So, I guess I am going (basically) carb-less for a while. I sort of started this weekend. I say "sort of" because all 3 days I had 1 meal that wasn't from the diet, but the rest of my meals were. We have run out of groceries so I need to go shopping. Unfortunately, the food I need is more expensive. =( I really need to plan out my menu. Also, I would like to get get a food processor. Does anyone know a good food processor that isn't too expensive?

The good news is that I have already lost 3 pounds from last Friday. It was fun to move my ticker this morning. =) I am currently on cd18, peak + 8... smack dab in the middle of the 2ww. I don't feel any symptoms. Of course, I've been sick the last few days so that may be masking some of my symptoms. I've been doing better emotionally. I haven't randomly burst into tears in about a week. I guess that's something. Hopefully, in a week, I can burst into tears for a good reason...


AwkwardMoments said...

Sounds like you have good things brewing over here - good luck on the diet. It is expensive and difficult but i think it is very well worth it!

Kathy V said...

It is good to see you back. It is a bummer that your food is more expensive now but atleast it is moving other things in the right direction. I was thinking about you the other day. I remembered what it was like for you on Christmas Eve. I struggled at church yesterday too. The Sermon was about the mountains we have to climb in life being similar to that of Abraham and Sarah. I had an emotional breakdown and cried. But anyway, I am glad you are back.

Alison said...

I'm glad you posted! Yay for the 3 pounds!! I have a basic food processor and it works great. I'll have to check the brand and let you know. Here's to a successful 2ww!