Three posts in one day! I'm on a role... I guess my quiet phase is over...
Last weekend we got a new printer/scanner/fax all-in-one so I thought I would take advantage of the new equipment. Here is a picture of our 19 week u/s. The baby wasn't in a good position for a profile shot, but here is an "above" shot of my little skeleton baby. Cute, huh!?!

I went to the doc on Tuesday. Last weekend I had some cramping that got progressively worse, including a cramping/stretching in my cervix area. I wasn't bleeding so I figured I would sleep it off. Monday morning it was improved, but got worse throughout the day. So, Monday afternoon I talked to one of the nurses at my doc's office and she said she thought it was probably normal pregnancy pains, but that I should come in just to check me out.
The good news is that my BP was back down (100/68)! It was such a big change that the nurse actually did a double take when she went to write it in my chart... However, my doc didn't seem phased. I guess the retreat really did help me relax. =) I hadn't gained any weight, which was good. They also did another very quick u/s to check my cervix. Everything checked out ok. My cervix measured 3.65, so that was good. While the u/s was in there (yes, I was reaquainted with the cam) we found the culprit... 2 little feet kept kicking my cervix! The baby was breech. He must have been completely streched out because I had been feeling movement very low (obviously) and just above my belly button (the top of my uterus) for a couple weeks. I guess he decided that he wanted to stretch out while there was still some room. Little stinker. Thankfully, I think he has rotated some. The other day I felt some little feet off to the side. I was actually glad about that. I don't really want a little foot to kick through my mucus plug. I know that probably doesn't happen, but my imagination can come up with all kinds of crazy things!
I had the day off today (YAY!!!!) so we decided to go to BRU and register. It was kind of a weird experience because we were both just wandering around looking at everything and saying, "I have NO idea what we need!" In the end we decided on some safety stuff (e.g. outlet covers), a stroller and carseat, a co-sleeper, some bath supplies, a glider chair and ottoman, some pacifiers, and a swing/bounce seat. For big stuff we still need a pack 'n play, a dresser, and possibly a crib (we haven't decided if we want a crib or if we will just use the pack 'n play). I think I need to go back with a friend who is an experienced mom so she can help me figure out what I will really need. I also decided, after a lot of research and agonizing, what kind of baby carrier I want to use. I think it will be a good combo of sling and more structured carrier. I'm hoping that it will be a good match/fit for me. I don't want to be one of those people who orders 5 different kinds of carriers before finding the right one (I have a friend who did this).
I also got one of those pg lady back support girdle things. I think it will be good for days I have to stand for long periods of time. I tried wearing it for a couple hours tonight and I could definitely feel the back support. However, I don't think I will wear it all day (at least for now) because I usually end up sitting much of the day. The back support part is kind of itchy and pokes slightly in a couple places when I'm sitting. However, I think it was a good purchase. Now, I just need to find a bra that will work for me. I have already outgrown all of the bras I currently own and I'm only 22 weeks... I think I'm a size F right now, but I keep growing. I'm scared what will happen when my milk comes in! I'm also not sure what to do about my bra problem. I don't want to buy too many bras now that I will only wear for a couple months... especially since most of the bras that will fit me need to be special ordered and are expensive! I found a couple online ordering sites, so I will look more closely at them. However, if you know of any good large lady nursing bra sites you can pass on, I would gladly take suggestions.
OK, that's enough rambling for now.
Here from NCLM. Congratulations on your pregnancy - and I love those murals! For the record - I wish people wouldn't say all those things too. But how to stop them before they come out with it? That is the million dollar question...
Love the baby pic. You referred to baby as him. Do you know that bay is Him or was it just a word you used as opposed to it. Sorry you had to endure the bru overwhelming feeling. I have heard that alot. My sister found that my niece was able to crawl out of the pack n play a lot easier after she grew. You might be able to use just that at first but after the baby grows you may want to think about a crib where the mattress can be lowered.
What a beautiful baby pic! I'm totally with you on the registering experience. It was just so overwhelming looking at all that baby STUFF and trying to figure out what we needed or liked. I spent a lot of time editing my registry on line.
I love the baby pic. And congratulations on registering. It took our BFFs like 10 trips to finally get their list to a place where they were happy with it ;) Good thing you've still got 18 weeks to go :D
congrats! what a great pic
here from nacomleavmo
Glad that everything is okay and that the lil' one has moved to a new "stomping" grounds. I had a similar problem early in the second trimester. Once he moved up, I haven't had those pressure/pains, but now, he likes to jam his toes in my ribs.
I'm so glad things are OK. And what a great picture. I'm with Kathy, too . . . is the baby a "he"? I'm so curious! :)
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