Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Is it normal to have cramping in early pregnancy? I have had cramping basically continuously since about 11dpo. It's not the full-on cramps I usually get with AF, but the nagging mini cramps I usually get to warn me AF is coming. I'm trying not to obsess or worry too much. I haven't seen any blood when I wipe. I know I have endo, so maybe that's why I have cramps. It is a little annoying though, especially since life has been stressful lately.

In other news, hubby was told today that he did not get a job that he was a top candidate for. I am disappointed. He seems to be taking it better than I am. I really hope he is able to find a job soon, and one that he enjoys.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the cramping is normal. Unless it is severe and/or accompanied with red blood.

Sorry your DH did not get the job he wanted, maybe that means there is another one out there for him...

Oh, and I need to move you on my list of links to the IF Graduates column!!

Dr. Grumbles said...

Yes, cramping is normal, especially around the time you normally would be menstruating. The uterus is expanding, even this early.

Lolita said...

i just found your blog after looking up endo + early pregnancy.
anyways - i was reading your 'for the record' I TOTALLY AGREE!
i love it ;)

we should get t shirts made that say something along those lines. we can wear them to social gatherings. or we can make business cards and hand them out ;) hehehe.

and then watch their faces as they read them