Monday, June 25, 2007

Finding Hope


I'm feeling much more hopeful today than I was a week ago. I talked with a co-worker who has adopted children and she helped me feel a lot better. In addition to helping me really believe that low motility can be overcome naturally, she gave me some pointers on how to help Hubby's spermies get closer to my eggie through positioning. Also, we talked about adoption a little and I feel pretty good about the possibility of adopting a child and giving them a loving home. I'm still realistic. I know that having a child (no matter which way it happens) won't be easy or quick. I hope it will not take too long though...

As far as this cycle goes, I'm at peak + 7. If I don't get my period by Thursday morning, I will take a pregnancy test. I leave Friday at 6am for a trip. I'm not really looking forward to the probability that I will be mourning another failed pregnancy attempt and dealing with AF while I'm away from Hubby. However, it will great to see friends and to be present for the guys' ordination! Unfortunately, Hubby has to stay home and study until he can't study any more...

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