Saturday, February 9, 2008

More Prayer Please

Remember this post? I talked to my friend yesterday and asked her for an update about the girl who was being pressured to have an abortion. The girl did go through with the abortion. This makes me so sad...not just because she had the abortion, but also because her parents and her boyfriend pressured her. I worry about her waking up someday and being overcome with grief. Please continue to pray for her.


Anonymous said...

What saddens me is that I know that she will regret her decision one day. It may take years but she will eventually regret it. I wish I could've talked to her, or that she could've talked to someone else who had been in her shoes...

~Carrie said...

Women being pressured to have abortions saddens and angers me beyond belief. I could go on an on about it but this is really not the placr to do that. I feel terrible for that poor girl.